Digitial swag bag

Check out these great deals, specials and announcements from our BLADE Show Sponsors!

hogue knives

Booth 52

Hogue Introduces the MagnaCut Deka

Visit booth #52 to see the Hogue polymer Deka with our new MagnaCut steel blade! 8 different models to choose from.


Jantz Supply

Booth 721

Save 10% on Knife-making Supplies

Save 10% on knifemaking supplies by wearing your Jantz T-Shirt.  Order Now or pick up at Blade Show! Jantz will be at Booth 721. Visit knifemaking.com

microtech knives

Booth 324

Microtech Claw Freebies       

Get some free Microtech goodies! SWAG Bag: Show bag, stickers, decal, patch, and keychain. Come see us to grab a Blade Show Special sticker!  Available at Booth 324.



qsp knives

Booth 210

New models being released at Blade Show!

Come see us at booth 210 to check out the new models.

reate knives

Booth 839

New Models Being Released at Reate Booth 839!

Reate is a brand synonymous for building and producing high quality knives. Please come check our new models at Blade Show 2022!

rosecraft blades

Booth 1618

Get Your Free Swag Bag!

Grab a Free RoseCraft Blades Swag Bag at Booth 1618 and see our debut lineup! Don't forget to visit rosecraftblades.com!

we knife + civivi

Booth 725

Meet “LERCH” from Call of Duty

Meet Tony Sentmanat, “Lerch” from Call of Duty and pick up his signature blade, "The Orthrus".


Wicked Edge Precision Knife Sharpeners

Booth 42

10% Off at Booth 42!

Come see our newest sharpener at Booth 42 and get 10% off your favorite tool. Daily giveaway of a WE100 and a Nanuk Knife Case!

zieba knives

Table 20C


“…Understanding knowledge is very important, it is the key to a better tomorrow…”

Visit table 20C to see all of the custom creations award-winning knifemaker Michael Zieba has to offer.