Early Bird Ticket Holders
THURSDAY: 4:00 - 7:00 PM
FRIDAY: 8:30 - 5:00 PM
All ticket holders who purchased tickets ONLINE must have the tickets either on paper or displayed on their smartphones with the scannable QR code for each type of ticket purchase. YOU MUST PICK UP A WRISTBAND IN ORDER TO ENTER THE SHOW EVEN WITH PRE-PURCHASED TICKETS.
If you are unable to locate the email with your tickets; please log back into your Universe account with your username and password and your tickets will be located in your account.
Doors to enter the Cobb Galleria will open at 8:15 am. Attendees choosing to arrive earlier than that or spend the night will need to line up outside the doors in the courtyard area (please refer to the diagram below). Those persons in that line will be permitted to enter first before any other doors are open. Early bird ticket holders ONLY can begin standing outside the Show Entrance across from the Knife of the Year display starting at 8:00 am at the designated sign.
The Early bird registration counter (note location on map below) will open at 8:15 AM (only early bird ticket holders may pick up their tickets at this time). You will enter the Show at 10:00 AM.
Please note if you arrive after 10:15 AM on Friday – you will need to go to the General Will Call counter located outside the John Williams Ballroom to pick up your wristbands.
IMPORTANT – PLEASE READ: The facility allows our attendees to camp overnight; however, please respect the area where you are camping. No urination, cooking or destruction of the area; or we will be forced to shut down overnight camping in the future.
INEW FOR 2024: Absolutely NO holding spots in line starting on Thursday, June 6th. New procedures will be announced onsite ONLY (not in advance) and you must be in line when it is announced. Information will not be provided in advance of Thursday.
For travel and parking information, please click here.